Parent Engagement in Schools: 6 Ways to Improve It

teacher talking to parents

One essential component of a child's educational experience is parental involvement in the classroom. Active parental involvement in their child's education results in enhanced academic performance, better behavior from students, and a more cohesive school community. Effectively involving parents can be difficult, though. To create a cooperative and encouraging learning environment for children, this book will examine six doable strategies for increasing parent involvement in the classroom.

Parent Engagement in Schools

The term "parent engagement in schools" describes parents who actively participate in their children's education and school-related activities. This involvement can take many different forms, such as supporting learning at home volunteering at school functions, or parent-teacher conferences. To effectively engage parents, schools must take a collaborative approach, actively contacting parents and offering chances for meaningful involvement.

6 Ways to Improve Parent Engagement in Schools

Here are six tactics to improve parent participation that can help create a strong collaboration between parents and schools:

1. Communicate Regularly and Effectively with Parents

An essential component of parent participation is effective communication. Clear and regular communication channels should be established by schools to keep parents informed and active. Here are some pointers:

talking with teacher

Use Multiple Channels: To reach parents, use a variety of communication channels, including social media, text messaging, newsletters, and emails.

Schedule Regular Updates: Give regular updates on student achievement, school events, and significant announcements. Parents can maintain their connection and engagement by communicating often.

Be Transparent and Open: Share both good news and places where students might need more help to foster an open discussion. Collaboration and trust are fostered by transparency.

2. Improve Contactability with Updated Contact Information

To encourage an honest conversation, share both positive news and locations where students could need extra assistance. Transparency promotes cooperation and confidence.

teacher calling parents

Regularly Update Records: To make sure that lines of communication are kept open, schools should ask parents for updated contact information regularly.

Use Technology: Provide parents with the convenience of updating their contact details through the use of digital tools and platforms. This guarantees prompt and effective communication between schools and parents.

Create a Centralized Database: To facilitate communication, keep a centralized database of parent contact details.

3. Offer Opportunities for Parents to Get Involved

Encouraging parental involvement in school through a variety of possibilities is essential to promoting engagement. Schools can

parents and child are watching laptop

Organize Volunteer Programs: Parents should be encouraged to volunteer for extracurricular activities, classroom projects, and school events. Parental involvement in the school community fosters a sense of community.

Create Parent Committees: To involve parents in school decision-making, form parent committees or advisory groups. This provides parents with a voice in school matters and empowers them.

Host Workshops and Events: Provide seminars and educational meetings on subjects like parental techniques, academic help, and child development. These gatherings give parents useful tools and interaction chances.

4. Meet Families Where They Are Technologically

Effective parent participation requires an understanding of families' technological choices and capabilities. Schools ought to:

teacher talking with parents

Assess Technology Access: Surveys should be used to learn about families' preferences and access to technology. By using this information, communication strategies can be adjusted to meet parents where they are.

Leverage Digital Tools: Make use of digital platforms and technologies that are easy to use for interaction and communication. Accessibility can be improved with the use of tools like virtual meetings, online portals, and school apps.

Offer Tech Support: Instruct and support parents who might require help with digital tools with technical matters. Having all parents be able to use technology improves involvement.

5. Provide Resources to Support Families

Effective parent engagement requires providing families with knowledge and resources. Schools can

teacher and students

Share Educational Materials: Give parents access to educational resources like reading lists, guidelines, and online learning tools to aid with their homework. With the help of these resources, parents may encourage their children's learning at home.

Offer Counseling and Support Services: Assist families in obtaining financial aid, counseling, and community resources. Families are better able to interact with the school when their larger needs are attended to.

Create a Resource Center: Create a parent resource center at the school so that families may get resources, materials, and help.

6. Reduce Information Overload

While it's critical to inform parents, it's just as important to avoid providing them with excessive information. Here's how to find equilibrium:

teacher taking class

Prioritize Important Information: Concentrate on imparting important knowledge that parents require. Don't overburden them with information.

Simplify Communication: To communicate ideas, use succinct, unambiguous language and visual aids. Parents are guaranteed to be able to comprehend and act upon the information presented when communication is kept simple.

Provide Summaries: Provide synopses of more in-depth discussions and hyperlinks to comprehensive details for individuals who wish to delve deeper.


Improving parent involvement in the classroom necessitates a careful and comprehensive strategy. Schools may foster a collaborative and supportive atmosphere for kids and their families by enhancing communication, providing resources, allowing for different involvement possibilities, and utilizing technology.

Are you prepared to advance your parent involvement initiatives? Put these techniques into practice and see firsthand the transformative effect of engaged parental involvement in education. Try Class Connect Pro Blogs now to receive more advice and resources on parent and family engagement.