What is Student Retention, and Why Does it Matter?

students retention

The phrase "student retention" is frequently used in conversations concerning institutional performance and student outcomes in the context of higher education. Retaining students is an indication of an institution's ability to support its students as much as a success statistic. Tell me about student retention. Why is it so important? This blog explores the idea of student retention, discusses its importance, and offers 12 tried-and-true strategies for raising retention.

What is Student Retention?


The ability of an educational institution to retain students from the time of their initial registration until their graduation is known as student retention. It serves as a gauge for student participation, contentment, and academic performance. To put it simply, student retention measures how long students stay in their courses and finish their degrees.

What Does Student Retention Mean?

Fundamentally, maintaining a student's enrollment in an educational program without them leaving or moving to another one is known as student retention. It includes a range of elements, such as the overall educational experience, campus resources, financial aid, and academic support. By addressing these issues, effective student retention methods seek to foster an atmosphere in which students can succeed academically and personally.

12 Proven Tactics to Help Improve Student Retention

Enhancing student retention necessitates a multidimensional strategy that takes into account the various demands of the students. These are 12 tried-and-true strategies to improve student retention:

improve students retention

1. Define Student Success

It's critical to specify exactly what student achievement at your school entails. This covers professional preparedness, personal development, and academic success. Students can better grasp and accomplish their goals when clear benchmarks and support mechanisms are established.

2. Connect and Engage, Early and Often

It's critical to involve pupils early in their academic careers. Institutions should set up touchpoints to welcome and assist students from the minute they apply. A sense of belonging is promoted through orientation events, first-year seminars, and consistent contact.

3. Cultivate Relationships with Advisors, Staff, and Faculty

Strong ties with instructors, staff, and advisors can have a big impact on students staying in school. Students can overcome obstacles and stay on course by being encouraged to attend frequent meetings and maintain open lines of communication. Personalized mentorship and academic advising programs offer vital assistance.

4. Use Data to Track Warning Signs

Students who are at risk of dropping out can be identified with the aid of data analytics. Institutions can identify early warning indicators by tracking engagement metrics, attendance, and academic achievement. Then, proactive interventions can be used to help pupils who are considered to be at risk.

5. Implement Intervention Processes

When possible retention problems are detected, prompt treatments are essential. Students can avoid falling behind by creating an organized intervention procedure that consists of peer mentoring, counseling services, and academic help.

6. Build Community & A Sense of Belonging

Student retention is increased when a campus community is robust and a sense of belonging is fostered. Students feel more connected when they are encouraged to participate in clubs, groups, and campus events. The educational experience is improved by initiatives that support diversity and inclusivity.

7. Engage and Partner with Parents

Parents are very important to students' progress. Students receive added support and motivation when parents are involved through frequent updates, parent orientation sessions, and communication regarding their child's development.

8. Gather Feedback Regularly

Asking students for feedback regularly helps schools better grasp their wants and concerns. Important insights are gathered through surveying, holding focus groups, and holding casual check-ins. The student experience is improved when decisions and enhancements are made with this feedback in mind.

9. Encourage Autonomy

Giving pupils the freedom to manage their learning can improve retention. Students feel more in charge of their academic journey when self-directed learning, goal-setting, and time-management skills are encouraged. It's crucial to offer tools and encouragement for individual study.

10. Help Students Discover Enriching Experiences Outside the Classroom

Encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities improves their entire college experience. Encouraging extracurricular activities, volunteer work, study abroad chances, and internships improve students' lives and demonstrate their dedication to learning.

11. Offer Flexible Scheduling

Differentiated student requirements are accommodated via flexible schedule alternatives. Providing lessons on the weekends, in the evenings, and online enables non-traditional students to manage their personal, professional, and academic obligations. Retention is enhanced and stress is decreased by flexibility.

12. Connect Students with Financial Resources

One of the most prominent causes of student attrition is financial difficulties. Financial stress can be reduced by putting students in touch with financial resources like grants, scholarships, and work-study opportunities. Offering workshops on financial literacy also aids students in practicing efficient money management.


Enhancing student retention necessitates a comprehensive and student-centered strategy, which is a continuous effort. Institutions may establish a conducive atmosphere that encourages student achievement and perseverance by putting these 12 tried-and-true strategies into practice. Recall that the objective is to support students' academic and personal success in addition to maintaining their enrollment.

Assessing your present tactics and pinpointing opportunities for development should be your first step in improving student retention at your university. Do you need assistance creating a thorough plan for student retention? Check out the Class Connect Pro Blog right now to see how we can help you with your endeavors to establish a successful learning environment.