What Is PBIS? Everything Teachers Need to Know About This Positive Behavior Framework


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a comprehensive framework that aims to improve social, emotional, and academic outcomes for all students. Implemented in schools nationwide, PBIS focuses on proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create a positive school environment. This blog will explore PBIS, its components, evidence base, and the reasons why it is crucial for schools today.

What Does PBIS Stand For?

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. It is a framework that promotes positive behavior in students and supports them in developing the skills necessary for success in school and life. PBIS is not a curriculum but a commitment to a systems-level change to create a supportive school climate.

What Is PBIS?

PBIS is an evidence-based, tiered framework designed to enhance academic and social behavior outcomes for all students. It involves teaching students the expected behaviors in various settings, reinforcing those behaviors, and providing interventions when necessary. The goal is to create a positive school climate where students can thrive.

What Are PBIS Rewards?

PBIS rewards are incentives given to students for displaying positive behaviors. These can be tangible rewards like stickers, tokens, or privileges such as extra recess time. The purpose of PBIS rewards is to motivate students to adhere to the school's behavioral expectations by recognizing and rewarding their positive actions.

Is PBIS Evidence-Based?

Yes, PBIS is evidence-based. Numerous studies have shown that implementing PBIS leads to reductions in disciplinary incidents, improvements in academic performance, and enhanced school climate. Research supports that PBIS can effectively address behavioral issues and promote positive behavior across diverse student populations.

How Does PBIS Work?

PBIS works by using a tiered approach to support students. The three tiers of PBIS provide a continuum of supports that increase in intensity based on student needs:

What Is Schoolwide PBIS?

Schoolwide PBIS (SWPBIS) involves implementing PBIS practices across the entire school. This approach ensures consistency in expectations and interventions, creating a cohesive and positive school climate. SWPBIS focuses on teaching expected behaviors, reinforcing them, and providing support and interventions as needed.

Why Implement a Schoolwide PBIS Program?

Implementing a schoolwide PBIS program has numerous benefits:

What Are the Three Tiers of PBIS?

The three tiers of PBIS are designed to provide varying levels of support based on student needs:

Essential Components of PBIS

Main Pillars of PBIS?

Why Is Communication Key for PBIS in Schools?

Communication is crucial for the success of PBIS in schools. Effective communication ensures that everyone students, teachers, staff, and families is aware of the expectations, interventions, and progress. Regular communication helps to:

Are Rewards Effective in Promoting Positive Behavior Through PBIS?

Yes, rewards can be effective in promoting positive behavior through PBIS. When used appropriately, rewards provide motivation for students to adhere to expected behaviors. They serve as positive reinforcement, encouraging students to repeat desirable behaviors. However, it's important to balance rewards with intrinsic motivation, ensuring that students understand the value of positive behavior beyond external incentives.

Why Is PBIS Important?

PBIS is important because it creates a positive school climate that supports academic and social success for all students. By focusing on proactive strategies and interventions, PBIS helps to:


PBIS is a powerful framework that can transform schools by promoting positive behavior and creating a supportive learning environment. By understanding and implementing the key components of PBIS, teachers can significantly enhance the academic and social outcomes for their students. If you're looking to improve your school's climate and support student success, consider adopting PBIS today. For more information on how to get started with PBIS, visit our website or contact us for a consultation.